
Feedback and stories from some of my clients.

I began working with Mira 4 months ago to address severe symptoms of PMDD and persistent neck and shoulder stiffness, which I later discovered were closely connected to my emotional state. Before I first found Mira, I struggled with PMDD for almost two weeks of every month, feeling deeply depressed, sad, and anxious to the point where I couldn’t function effectively at work or in my day-to-day life. It felt like a relentless cycle that I couldn’t escape. Until I finally decided to reach out for help from experts, I felt hopeless, believing I would have to live with these issues forever. Mira’s support felt like a beacon of hope in the darkness I had been navigating without direction.

`From the very beginning, I was impressed by Mira’s deep understanding of both my symptoms and concerns. Her ability to create a calming, supportive environment allowed me to quickly build trust and confidence in her. Mira possesses exceptional skill in guiding clients through their healing journey. Her capacity to establish a safe and reliable space where I could be open and believe in my own potential for healing was evident from our very first session. She took the time to explain each step of the hypnotherapy process, which helped me feel comfortable and confident as I explored this therapeutic approach.

One of the most impactful aspects of working with Mira was not only experiencing hypnotherapy but also what I have taken away with me from the sessions. This approach deeply addressed the core issues of my PMDD and uncovered the underlying emotional causes. As a result, I noticed significant improvements in my symptoms. For example, the duration and intensity of my PMDD episodes have decreased substantially, from almost two weeks of debilitating symptoms each month to just a few days of mild discomfort. I now experience more balanced moods, reduced anxiety, and improved functionality in both my work and daily life. Additionally, the stiffness in my neck and shoulders has significantly decreased, allowing me to engage in activities that I had previously avoided due to pain.

The progress I’ve made since starting hypnotherapy has been remarkable. My overall well-being has improved substantially, with increased energy levels, better sleep quality, and a more positive outlook on life. I now feel empowered by my ability to continue my healing journey, living with greater lightness, playfulness, and joy, and always being there for myself no matter what.

If my experience resonates with you, I highly recommend reaching out to Mira. Her expertise in RTT and her compassionate, professional demeanor make her an excellent choice for anyone looking to explore hypnotherapy. I cannot stress enough how significant a difference her support has made in my life, and I am forever grateful for the positive outcomes achieved through her guidance.
I cannot find any suitable words to explain how thankful I am for you Mira, I feel so grateful and fortunate to have met you and to have this long lasting healing experience that I will continue to cherish and practice throughout lifetime.

Misa Kono


Over the space of three months, Mira helped me overcome childhood wounds and professional fears that have bogged me down.

I am so grateful that someone as professional and educated as Mira was available – over Zoom – to give me gentle yet effective tools that have changed my life.

One of the biggest things is being over-empathetic- and dropping everything to help others. I am now able to sit back and not feel it is my responsibility to save everyone. Mira jokingly said, “Stop giving straws to people who suck the life out of you.”

I’m feeling so much more free, purposeful, able to speak up and not be a people pleaser. So many tools and lifelong habits broken and rewired through hypnotherapy.

I cannot say enough good things about Mira and her therapy. Run, don’t walk!

Donna Burke


For nearly four decades, I suffered from chronic migraines.

They were often so debilitating that I could not perform daily tasks or enjoy life. After trying everything from modern medication to esoteric treatments with little or temporary relief, I was about to give up and accept that this was just to be a part of my life.

Then I met Mira. After three sessions with her, the migraines have decreased by 90%! Life-changing is the only way to describe it.
Mira creates a space of safety and trust. She will gently guide you through hypnosis and bring you to formative memories where you hold pain or emotions and then help you release them.

I cannot recommend her enough.

Christine Brown


I contacted Dr. Simic-Yamashita regarding therapy for childhood trauma after I read a few of her articles online on mental health. I thought it would be the traditional approach of therapy, sort of a once-a-week kind of session. Still, instead, she presented and explained the Rapid Transformational Therapy that she practices.  

Since my childhood trauma affected my present greatly, I was reluctant about the short-term therapeutic approach as I did not know about hypnotherapy and its efficiency, but after just 30 days, RTT turned out to be the best thing I could invest in for my mental health.

From the very first meeting, Dr. Simic-Yamashita was driven to help me and was transparent and open to any questions. I felt safe and comfortable being vulnerable with her.

I love how the whole process is thought through, with sessions, follow-ups, and straight-to-the-point instruments and techniques to help me even after finishing the therapy package. I got to reconnect with myself and regain self-confidence. Rapid Transformational Therapy was very efficient and helped me with compulsive and self-destructive behaviors, anxiety, procrastination, and focusing on day-to-day tasks. It is an ongoing healing process but nevertheless, RTT was the perfect first step to start this process.

I highly recommend Rapid Transformational Therapy with Dr. Simic-Yamashita. She is THE ALLY you need on your journey of healing. On top of being extremely professional from the beginning until the end, she is kind and human. I felt understood and heard all the time. I will never regret asking for her help. THANK YOU!!!”

Ana-Maria Ignat


I was feeling very “low”, like my confidence had slowly been eroded and I couldn’t make myself follow through with actions I wanted to. I got to the point where I couldn’t stand to feel that low in my confidence. I’d never felt like that in my life before. I’ve worked with coaches and tried some self hypnosis but I still found myself going around in circles a lot. Dr Mira was professional from start to finish. Everything was delivered on time, and I felt supported even between sessions when I had a challenging time, she made sure I knew I could turn to her for support and kept in touch with me. I’d definitely recommend you reserve an introductory appointment with Dr Mira so you can see how she can help you. It can be hard to let go of those things that are holding you back but you will be glad you did! Having a confidential space to process things is so powerful.

Jayne Nakata


I contacted Dr. Mira because I had been struggling with the effects of unresolved childhood trauma. By the time I contacted Dr. Mira for help, I was immobilized by feelings of guilt and shame. I couldn’t think straight, I was constantly distracted by racing thoughts and mentally and physically exhausted. I knew this problem was beyond my ability to resolve, so I contacted Dr. Mira. I am so glad that I did. Dr. Mira’s professionalism, attentiveness, and confidence immediately made it easy to trust her. The informative paperwork and the in-take process helped me understand the technique and what to expect. Dr. Mira is kind, compassionate, down-to-earth, and easy to talk to. From the beginning, I believed in her ability to heal me, and she did! Immediately after our two-and-a-half-hour RTT session, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest. I felt hopeful and optimistic. Three weeks later, I have a lighter heart, the guilt has been greatly reduced and no longer has any weight, and my self-esteem and self-confidence have increased significantly. I also have more energy now that the guilt has decreased. My friends have also noticed a change as well. They say I am more present and that I am practically glowing. It was a powerful session and the process has completely changed my outlook on life. Dr. Mira is a fantastic therapist and I would work with her again in a heartbeat. I am eternally grateful for her time, expertise, and caring heart.

L’Shawn Howard


A friend suggested I reach out to Mira as I was going through a lot of positive life changes but found they were also bringing up feelings of unresolved grief. I was finding it hard to feel happy and excited about these good life changes and noticed I was starting to sabotage myself in other areas of my life. I immediately felt comfortable with Mira. She is very professional, knowledgeable, and understanding and I felt completely safe in her care, even when things got emotional for me. The session was very enlightening and I was able to identify and understand the causes of why I was feeling this way. Mira expertly knew exactly how to help me let the past go. I felt an immediate shift in my level of happiness and felt more positive about my future. In the following days, I felt more connected to my partner who also commented on me smiling more, even though he wasn’t aware I had received a therapy session. Mira made me a really lovely recording that I listened to every day which helped continue the healing and letting go of the past.

It’s been about 3 months since I was introduced to Mira and I am finding it easier and quicker to bounce back from life’s normal ups and downs. I have recommended Mira to my friends and anyone considering therapy. I will reach out to Mira again, it was well worth the investment in my happiness.

Donna Stanger


I contacted Mira because after 12 long months of Covid-19 and the collapse of my very successful tourism-based business, I was feeling stuck, lost and fragile and could not see any way out of the dark. I was in so much pain that I couldn’t define or shake. With Mira, I felt completely supported by a true professional. She understood me and my situation from the first meeting. There was no bullshit and no woo-woo. I didn’t know much about hypnosis as a therapy, but this felt completely scientific and exactly the support I needed to reboot my psyche. Mira is friendly and caring professional. She comes across as an expert and I was able to trust in the process completely. Plus that it was rapid – she was looking to get me back on the right path quickly, not suck me into months or years of followup sessions. Now that the treatment is finished, it feels like night and day! I can’t believe the difference! Working with her as a professional put all the pieces together so fast. I can talk about this experience without shame and tell people how hard it has been. I hope I am able to inspire other people to really give their mental health a reboot. I feel so great. I have never really thought of myself as the “therapy” type but it is good to break down the old stories and really cut the crap. I am better able to set boundaries, and not let criticism affect me so much anymore. I would happily recommend Mira and I would 100% work with her again. I feel like she is my secret weapon.

Tracey Northcott


I’ve been in therapy several times over the years to help me through grief and personal struggles, but regular therapy drags on and I never quite know when (or how) to end it.  Three sessions of RTT with Dr. Mira  – and the subsequent nightly listens to the custom tailored recording – helped me to overcome a debilitating bout of anxiety in just a few months.  As a creative person, I enjoyed the hypnotherapy process – reaching back and examining memories – and Dr. Mira was patient and encouraging as we explored how those memories related to the issue at hand. I conversed with the people in my memories, visualised my anxiety as a character in my life, and made interesting connections between past and present.  The sessions left me feeling lighter and ready to move forward. The recordings Dr. Mira created for me reinforced these benefits as I listened to her calm voice reprogramming my mind with words and images that I used in our sessions.  I heartily recommend Dr. Mira and the RTT process.

Kristen McQuillin


I was having issues with my thyroid and chose to have a session with Mira because I was aware of her success in treating physical issues with RTT Hypnotherapy. She was very professional and instilled confidence when we first spoke about possible causes and action so I booked in for an online appointment straight away. It all seems so easy now, I was very relaxed, we got to the underlying cause through the subconscious and I began to understand why and how it was affecting me and the techniques she used just really made it very clear. These old core beliefs, once useful, were now showing up in my body and since they no longer served me, I needed to let them go. Mira helped me to do this with ease. She sent me home with an amazing recording to install and reinforce the powerful new messages we uncovered as a result, and the blockage that I was carrying around actually released physically! I woke up very early a few days into listening and felt the pressure at my throat literally break into pieces and I even started coughing as what I assumed was a release, never to be felt again. My next tests came back normal and I am so grateful to her for helping me. The whole experience was miraculous, and that’s my new name for her, ‘Mira-culous’!



Prior to my amazing RTT session with Mira, I had frequent migraine headaches off and on for as long as I can remember. In fact, I had some level of headache pain pretty much every single day of my life. Some days, it was just a dull ache while, other days, the intensity of the pain was extreme. Although sleep would sometimes relieve the pain, there were many times where I went to sleep with a bad headache and woke up with a worse one! When a fall in 2018 triggered osteoarthritis and full-body inflammation, the combined pain I felt between the headaches and arthritis was so bad that I finally had to leave my corporate job this year. Despite my hopes that the pain would get better, it did not. I was frustrated, fatigued from lack of sleep and unable to focus on building my business. The chronic pain I felt was not just caused by the physical fall itself; I knew I was holding on to emotional pain in my physical body. I sought help from Mira because I know that we have powerful minds and that we can use our mind to heal our body. Working with her was a wonderful experience. She took a thorough health history and asked the right questions to help me uncover what was going on for me subconsciously. Mira is extremely knowledgeable and has a very calming demeanor. I felt relaxed and trusted her completely. Since working with Mira, there has only been one time when I felt a migraine coming on, but I was able to rest and it never fully materialized! And the osteoarthritis pain in my hands (which was consistently at a level 7 or 8 on a scale of 1-10, has also gotten better)! I highly recommend Mira—without reservation—for help in uncovering and eliminating the root causes of pain.

Catharine Cunningham


Mira has done wonders for my emotional well-being. This is to say the least, she created fundamental shifts in my mindset. I have had a privilege to experience her magic twice and both times, she has smashed the old beliefs that kept me stuck and in the dark and she helped me to instil the new, more powerful and healthy beliefs. I can’t praise her enough for her patience, mastery of skill, empathy during the session. She is both extremely intelligent and empathetic. The recording she created for me was right on spot, so precise to my needs and desires it never ceases to surprise me how she creates these masterpieces. I absolutely love listening to her recordings and I keep doing it for many months after the session. I can’t recommend Mira enough, no matter what your issue is, she is your solution.

Tanya Tchirkova


“When I sought help from Mira I had a health issue that I was dealing with for over 20 years. I didn’t have any concerns regarding seeking help and therapy, because I tried everything else and nothing worked. So, I decided to work with Mira because, due to my symptoms, I felt unworthy of love and all the great things life has to offer. I’m so glad I did, because now I feel totally amazing, my symptoms rapidly decreased, and my life is now filled with hope and love. Mira is highly skilled and caring therapist, and I strongly recommend her to anyone seeking help and support for their issues. Thank you, Mira, for your help.

Dara Bissoon

Trinidad and Tobago

I was fortunate to be part of Mira’s research to cure migraines. I have suffered from Migraines for over 40 years. I recall when I started to work in order to survive the day would mean always having pills at hand. Almost everyone who knows me knows how much pain I would be when I had an attack which would always last at least three days. 

I actually jumped whilst crossing fingers that Mira would accept me as I knew many people would jump at this opportunity.  

I had never been hypnotized before, but Mira made me feel at ease and immediately shone me with evidence how incredibly suggestible I am. I love and play my recording 2 to 3 times a day. It’s over a month now since I had the last attack and I have not had a headache since. I still play the recording morning and evening and I am happy to do so. I do what I love every day, being running outdoors, and this gives me the greatest joy. 

I would recommend Mira to anyone who wishes to cure their headaches no matter what. 

Thank you, Mira, for showing me a life of no pain.

Zoleka Mshumpela


I contacted Mira because of my intense fear of spiders, cockroaches and most insects. Which are really phobias, that could sometimes resort me to crying or fleeing my lectures and leaving students confused and shocked.

Even though I felt very excited, I felt nervous and I wasn’t sure that RTT could really work for me. However, I wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of my phobia. I had nothing to lose!

The result was much better than I had anticipated, regarding spiders, but less than I had expected of cockroaches. But, I was able to dispose of a dead cockroach quicker than I had before and with a little less anxiety. I guess my fear for cockroaches is much more. 

My fear of spiders dissolved because of the repetitive common-sense theory of why spiders are here and how they protect the earth, environment, etc… I couldn’t believe that I was able cohabitate with a spider that cheekily moved into my house. However, it had restrictions. I was able to guide the spider out of restricted areas and even found myself talking with the spider at times. I was never able to do this before RTT.

One thing I really liked was how patient, understanding and supportive Mira was through my entire journey. I also like that I got to do therapy from the comfort of my home and after that, whenever I like. It’s great that I can go back to and use the recording or have the option to try again with Mira. I found this experience in general to be better than I could have ever imagined. It has helped me to overcome my fears of spiders by looking at spiders as an ally and protectors of the earth. I didn’t expect to be fearless of spiders today, nor did I expect the effects of the therapy to have long lasting results. It has made my life more fruitful because it has reduced a stress trigger from my life, permanently! 

The whole experience was an amazing journey for me. Not only do I recommend it to everyone, I would take advantage of this experience again. I am forever grateful to you Mira. Thank you so much.

Jennifer Wint


I had a great RTT session with Mira. I was trying to unravel some pretty complex issues and the session with Mira really gave me a lot of clarity. I felt very relaxed with her and felt I could easily ‘open up’ to her about personal things. She has a very professional attitude but combines this with a very caring approach – I could feel that she really wanted to help me. I now feel that I have greater understanding about myself, in terms of how I think, feel and behave and more importantly why this is the case. This clarity has made it easier to make decisions about what I need to do to move forward with my purpose and passions – thank you Mira!

I would not hesitate in recommending Mira as a skilled and professional therapist.

Jo Lytherao

Hong Kong

Because of my RTT session with Mira, I’ve been able to kick my sugar addiction!

I used to be driven by intense food cravings all day long, now I’m easily satisfied by real food instead of bingeing on junk food. Something in the way I think about food has shifted.

I’ve totally stopped eating sugar, and I’ve lost 6 pounds so far – in only 2 weeks!

Thanks, Mira! I’m forever grateful for this life-changing freedom.

Barbara Rosson


Before starting my sessions with Mira, I knew very little about hypnotherapy and was slightly skeptical. I have undergone years of traditional therapy, attempted meditation, journaling, breathing exercises, etc. but never felt much of an impact or difference. I figured I would give it a try as there were great reviews, and now I can say I understand the power of this method. Mira not only helped me better understand myself and the root of my uncomfortable/depressing feelings, but guided me through and out of them. I loved the level of detail throughout my treatment, from the intake questionnaires to our first time meeting I could tell she was fully tying to understand my issue and the way that it affected me. She provided an abundance of information and answered all my questions regarding the powerfulness and science behind her method, which made me less skeptical and more confident in the process. I found myself looking forward to our sessions as she is a genuinely empathetic and caring provider. Undergoing this treatment does require some work, but it is 100% worth it. She offers so much support between meetings, which was a huge source of reassurance and comfort throughout the intense treatment. After just a week since our final session, I can truly say I feel a drastic difference in my general mood and energy levels. My immediate family has even pointed out this change. While it did not happen instantly, as time passes I am gradually improving- at a rate much faster than any other method I have tried. Thank you Mira for your services as they have truly made a difference in my life. I have hope for myself again, and have acquired so many powerful tools that are unlike any that I have learned in traditional therapy.I have and will continue to recommend this unique yet powerful service to my friends and family members.

Anya L., US

I identified as a smoker for 35years. There was something resistance from some deep subconscious somewhere, so it took 2 sessions, BUT I have never experienced stopping smoking and feeling this way afterwards. It’s as if cigarettes NEVER existed. The process is a challenge but worth it. Mira was an absolute star. She guided me through the process and was so perceptive during our pre session sessions. I wish I could have her as my regular therapist.

I’m a fan of the RTT/hypnotherapy process. Even now I’m trying to find problems and wondering how the results would be if I went through the process again.

Christie B, Japan

When I had my first therapy session with Mira, I was going through the worst mental breakdown of my life. I was anxious all the time, was just about to quit my job, and was feeling terrible. It’s unbelievable how much I changed in only one month! I wanted to be more confident and calm, and Mira helped me to not only achieve that goal but also to feel so positive and happy in so many different situations. I am now doing very well at work, my relationship with my family and friends has improved greatly, and I am getting better and better every day. Another problem that I had was overeating because of stress and anxiety and I could loose about 4 kilograms in one month only by eating healthier and doing meditation. Whenever I had a question, Mira has patiently answered my questions and has been so supportive throughout the whole month of the therapy sessions. Thank you so much, Mira for saving my life!

N.N., Japan

RTT with Mira is the most effective and amazing help through therapy I have experienced. Mira is highly professional and warm and welcoming at the same time. I felt completely safe during the sessions and I am forever grateful for how this have helped me. Thank you Mira.

Elena Kennedy, UK

Dearest Mira, It is one day post the end of a 21 day recording. First of all, I would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU for the session we had together. This was special to me because I turned 33 on the the next day.. So, this was a big 33rd present present. I am very grateful for the session we had. You are a wonderful person, fantastic listener and the session was brilliant.

Going back to the scenes during the regression has helped me a lot in reviewing the past, understanding the past and eventually connecting the dots to the issues I had. I listened to the recording every night till I slept and always consciously remember the words being said in the audio whenever I am up and about. There are times, a pang of awkwardness surrounded me, but I will always shut that down with, I am choosing to be the new person I have created.

A lot of things have changed around me, and for that I thank you, from the bottom of my heart. If and when I visit Japan, I will definitely hook up with you, just to give you a hug and say thank you to you personally.

Isabela S., US

“I received an online RTT session by Mira on my right knee.

“I’ve had suffered from knee pain for about 5 months, and recently the pain spread to the lower back as well as the lower part of my hip. The pain was so severe that I had hard time performing just simple every day activities, such as walking up and down the stairs or and just walking for a short period of time.

“During the hypnosis, Mira made me feel safe and very relaxed. After the session, I didn’t feel any difference but about 5 days later, I began to notice a greater range of motion and increased flexibility in my right knee. And after about 7 days, the pain was significantly reduced, and walking became so much easier and less painful for me. I can feel that my knee is recovering and healing as every day passes. It was wonderful experience working with Mira.

“I would highly recommend her to anyone suffering from chronic pain and in need of pain management.”

Julie K., USA

“I decided to work with Mira and try RTT because basically I had tried everything else. I’d been really struggling for the last 3 years with intense and frequent migraines. It had really started to impact my quality of life to the point where I had had to reduce my hours at work. The pain was horrendous and I had all the physical, emotional, and sensory symptoms of migraine that would last for days on end. The session with Mira was intense but she made we feel very safe throughout and the hypnosis was extremely relaxing. The entire experience I would say was transformational, it’s coming up to 7 weeks now with no migraines!! It truly has been a game changer for me. I will be continuing to listen to my recording, I think forever so I can really strengthen this change. I can’t thank Mira enough, if you are suffering from any pain, particularly migraine then don’t suffer any longer, Mira and RTT can help.”

Shelly T., Australia

I can’t thank you enough, Mira, for the empowering session on the fear of visibility you had with me. For a very long time I had been frozen in fear, which stopped me from pursuing a career I am passionate about. In session, You skilfully led me to see the limiting beliefs and programming that stopped me from moving forward. I absolutely loved the transformational recording which I played twice a day. It helped me to re wire my brain as I believed every positive thing you said in the recording. Today I am over the moon when I got my first paid job in my chosen career! Thank you a million times!

Tanya Tchirkova, Australia

Thank you Mira, I know RTT works however I’m seriously in awe of just how quickly. I thought it may take a few weeks to get on top of my migraines. I was having them 3 times a week at least and have not had one since our session over 2 months ago. In New Zealand we locked down our Country over 4 weeks ago and our family business has just died, the stress has been huge. No migraines, I will be forever grateful xxx

Stephanie Cole., New Zealand

Hi Mira! It is the beginning of my second day, and I feel amazing! I had an amazing day yesterday: energized, full of joy, even playful. I listen to the recording when I wake up and I love it. I feel so much going on in my body as I listen, it is very pleasant, energizing and soothing. My head is better. I still have a lot of tinnitus, and it is sometimes quite difficult to make the difference between headache and violent tinnitus. But the headache has been weaker yesterday for sure. I had two very good nights as well. No waking up during the night, and waking up naturally a little bit before the alarm, with the sensation that my night is finished, full of energy. Thank you again for this amazing recording I love it! 

C. A., France

I wanted to work with Mira because the relationship with my father had been growing more and more negative for the past 30 years. It started to impact more of my daily life especially while trying to get to sleep, and I wanted to be free of those negative thoughts. I had talked with therapists in the past, but it was a handful of sessions, and the issue was never resolved. 

I approached Mira because she provides a different approach with meditation-type hypnosis to help reform more positive thoughts. I liked that Mira has the science to back up the techniques and tools she uses. Mira asks the right insightful questions to work to get to the core of my issue. She does it gently but with confidence. I like how she shares the studies and science proof behind why she does the techniques and tips and tools she provides. She listens intently and also helps guide where the core issues are.

I’m impressed with how much my negative daily thoughts have decreased in only a few weeks. And more importantly I have confidence that it will continue to improve in the weeks and months to come. Moreover, I am able to get to sleep much more easily most nights. I believe the daily listening of the recording with it being tailored with my name and my issues is key to getting unstuck with negative thoughts I’ve carried for years and to retrain to more positive thoughts.  It takes daily use of that recording to make the lasting impact I wanted.

I would gladly work with Mira again and I absolutely believe her techniques are impactful and successful.

L. L, Japan

Before my session with Mira, I had been dealing with a migraine for several months. Light is the biggest trigger – greatly reducing the time that I’m able to spend around sunlight or blue light to next to none without further provoking pain. 

After my session with Mira, the average daily pain level is a couple of numbers lower on the pain scale. I’m also better able to tolerate sunlight and my recovery time from too much exposure has shortened. As a result, I’m a lot more comfortable and capable in my day-to-day. 

I’m so grateful to Mira for our session. She was lovely to work with – intelligent, compassionate, and supportive. I found her to be easy to trust and feel at ease with during our session.

Sheri H., USA

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